Cyber threats challenge the security of your critical business functions and data every day. Current data shows that 74% of breaches involved a human element in 2023. With that in mind, it could be time to consider a simple but effective training solution for your staff members, especially those with access to mission critical data.
At Computer Elite we provide training on a one to one basis to assist everyone enrolled to be made aware of typical hacking, phishing and spoofing techniques.
A 3 to 4 minute video is sent to everyone enrolled, via email, once a month. The videos explain what to watch for and how to do things correctly, given various scenarios and situations. These animated videos are easy to understand and start to become an enjoyable way to learn the latest in cyber security threats. Following the video are 3 to 4 simple questions to help emphasize the important things throughout the video.
We send your admin person a detailed monthly 3-page summary of everyone enlisted and how they are doing. With this information, you can see who the most knowledgeable people on staff, when it comes to being cyber safe. You will also see how after a few months everyone will be becoming more aware!
Protect your mission critical data before it's too late. Let us help you safeguard your mission critical data.
Performing scheduled maintenance on servers and workstations is like doing an oil change on your...
Sales, installation, setup and maintenance of a full commercial video surveillance setup for your business.
Sales, installation, setup and maintenance of your complete IP Phone system.
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