If you feel like it’s a struggle getting simple issues resolved it may be time to look at having the professional services of Computer Elite take care of your day to day running. As your Managed Service Provider, you can expect a call back within 30 minutes and problems resolved quickly and properly.
Our technicians are trained to resolve problems so that you don’t have to stand on one leg and touch your nose just to print a document. It might sound strange, but we’ve seen it, too many times, where customers are told things like; if it doesn’t print, just power it off and back on and you’ll be fine. But week after week of powering something off should lend to your technician knowing there is a bigger problem. If we ever need to give you a work around, we will be working on the right solution to fix the issue so that things run like they’re supposed to. In our opinion, that’s not too much to ask.
We can service your needs in a number of ways. Talk to us to determine the most cost effective solution to your problem. Sometimes it will be as easy as dropping your computer off at one of our 4 locations in Barrie, Orillia, Midland or right at our Head Office and Technical Facility on Hwy 11 in Oro Medonte. Other times we may be able to solve printer, email or other day to day problems by remoting into your computer. Many of our business clients simply email or call us and let us know what’s going on so that the next available tech will call back asap. Of course, we always have our mobile technicians, able to assist where needed.
We offer a multi-tier support system dependent on your business size and specific support needs. Our first offering is a simplified technical support program we call “Break/Fix” to smaller businesses or organizations that need additional assistance for their tech teams when doing larger roll outs, on a per project or hourly basis. Next, for the majority of our business clients large and small, we set up an “Annual Service Agreement” (ASA). Our ASA clients appreciate the fact that we maintain all of the services that we provide to that business under one monthly rate. This helps with budgeting and keeping IT support costs more stable throughout the year and also gives you one point of contact for all your needs. This includes all help desk support as well as services like Office 365 email accounts, IP Phones, Managed Data Backup, Cyber Security Training for staff, Antivirus solutions, etc. Bundling things always saves you money on this plan. The more things, in tech, that we take care of, the more we can save you in the long run. Finally, our highest level of support is our AISA (All Inclusive Service Agreement) and it includes the same coverage as our ASA but it also includes all of the hardware. That’s right! We replace all of your workstations every 3 years. Servers. IP Phones, Video Surveillance, we manage all of it at no additional cost to you. Need a video surveillance camera changed out? No Additional Charge. Need a hard drive changed out and the files restored? No Additional Charge. With our All Inclusive Service Agreement (AISA) we cover everything for one monthly fee, over a 3 year agreement. Keep your staff running with the latest hardware and most current technology, providing frustration free, secure computing for everyone.
Let us help you understand what we know and have developed in IT Support over the years. One of our representatives would be glad to spend a few minutes going over what we offer and why. We can also review your operation and give our recommendations.
Our most basic line of service allows clients to call in as needed. We are only servicing whatever the client is asking to have looked at.
No additional work is done behind the scenes to look at necessary network security, data backups, hardware age and functionality. Unless you ask us to look at it, the onus is on you, the customer, with Break/Fix, to determine what you need looked at and when to call us in to do so.
We can fix and maintain anything under a Break/Fix solution, it just takes the customers input to ask us and give us the direction they want us to take.
Our Annual Service Agreement provides you with all of the service offerings we have, bundled into one cost effective annual agreement paid monthly.
Depending on the services you have with us, we put your Help Desk Support, Data Backups, IP Phones, Video Surveillance and maintenance, etc., all into one package with a fixed monthly rate making things easy to maintain with no hidden surprises.
This is by far our most common solution as it helps clients maintain a monthly budget while providing us the ability to oversee the environment, applying proper security measures and all of the industry standard practices to keep things running smoothly.
All ASA agreements require a 90 day probationary period to allow us time to understand your environment and create a fair package that will look after your needs.
Our best offering to businesses that want an all-in-one solution. All of the offerings in our ASA along with no need to try and figure out when to replace hardware or what hardware to put in.
Under this agreement, depending on what services we maintain for you, we install and maintain high end hardware – servers, workstations, laptops, IP phones, data backup equipment, video surveillance equipment, etc., and change it all out for brand new hardware at the end of the 3-year term. (some equipment may be good for 2 terms, saving you even more money on renewal)
We make this solution very affordable, without a doubt, the best solution our industry has to offer.
This solution will keep any business running as smoothly as possible with new high-end hardware at the foundation.
All ASA agreements require a 90 day probationary period to allow us time to understand your environment and create a fair package that will look after your needs.
Performing scheduled maintenance on servers and workstations is like doing an oil change on your...
Protect your mission critical data before it's too late. Let us help you safeguard your mission critical data.
Simplify training for your people to protect your business from user failure breaches.
Sales, installation, setup and maintenance of a full commercial video surveillance setup for your business.
Product Sales, Technical Support, and Installation in Barrie, Oro Medonte, Orillia, and Midland
Business IT
Managed Service Provider
Business Services
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Names, trademarks, and logos are the property of their respective owners.
All prices are in CDN dollars and tax is extra. Errors & omissions excepted. Prices are subject to change without notice.
North America toll free order line: 1-877-370-5946 ― Computer repair, support, sales, and service in Barrie, Orillia, Midland & area: 705-487-6595